Technical / DC Offset in operational amplifiers in DC coupled front ends of P.I detectors
« on: January 04, 2014, 02:58:13 pm »
After testing the input stages on various detector I have found that many of the AD797 opamps with a spec sheet indication of 25mv DC offset is not the case when measured in some detectors.
Offset voltages in excess of 100mv are quite common. Adding a potentiometer and trimming the Offset after 15 minutes run time to DC makes for a much more stable and quieter detector. As the first stages are DC coupled, reducing the Offset voltage makes for a much more behaved quieter detector. Frequency compensation can also be carried out to reduce Radio Frequency interference without degrading the low frequency slew rate or settling time of the opamp.
Offset voltages in excess of 100mv are quite common. Adding a potentiometer and trimming the Offset after 15 minutes run time to DC makes for a much more stable and quieter detector. As the first stages are DC coupled, reducing the Offset voltage makes for a much more behaved quieter detector. Frequency compensation can also be carried out to reduce Radio Frequency interference without degrading the low frequency slew rate or settling time of the opamp.