The soft start or current inrush protection mosfet has burned a hole straight throng the circuit board.
This is starting to happen on older detectors, the reason could be just thermal cycling or metal migration causing the failure.
The small part that burns out is the Fairchild 455 mosfet, it is pictured on top of the white transformer core, the replacement is a 40 amp mosfet as shown with its 3 legs soldered to where the small
device was located. The lower the on resistance as in the more amps it handles the better.
The FET that i used is a 100 volt rated 40 amp N channel mosfet but any high current mosfet will do the job, I left the legs on the set long as to make the connections easier to see.

This circuit board is not repairable as the power was left connected to the detector after it failed. The message here is to remove power from the detector if it stops working or more damage can be caused
making the detector unrepairable.