
Author Topic: The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.  (Read 24349 times)


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The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.
« on: March 25, 2016, 04:54:43 pm »

After months testing different designs we have come up with (in my opinion) an upgrade that is extremely well suited to the GPX series of detectors that will (in my opinion) definitely go deeper and much more quiet than any other detector currently available.  Will a moddified GPX go deeper than a 2300 on small gold? (imho, yes it will) Will it go deeper than a 7000? (imho, yes it will) Please do not take my word for it, come and side by side test with what ever detector that you have, i am sure you will be very very surprised at the test results.

Now for the best news, we are moving to Ballarat, we will be right on the Canadian diggings so that we can test the performance of detectors at our new test site.

Will will also be offering training on both modded and unmodded detectors, I have been detecting since 1980 and have a massive collection of information on using detectors. I also have extensive knowledge on coil design and electronics, been doing electronics since 1978. Currently working on SAR ADC and filter algorithms for noiseless detecting in noisey environments, differential signal conversion for current detectors.


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Re: The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2016, 05:59:33 pm »
Hi woody,

Training courses for modded detectors will be extremely useful as occasionally am not sure of the correct (best) settings for my modded 4000 in different conditions - cost????.

Also I am extremely interested in the new mods, so will be waiting for news.

Cheers Brian


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Re: The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2016, 06:44:41 pm »
Hi Brian,   Many detectorists do not know how to use the mods efficiently, we have 2 camps with mods, Camp 1 will say its the best detector ever and have the gold to prove it and camp 2 will be the ones who really never worked it out properly.

Bob white who is thinking of doing training up in QLD called be about a modded detector that a fellow was having all sorts of problems with, he was ready to dis me on the forums as Bob conveyed to me the situation, anyway some friends of the fellow had set the detector up for him, factory gain on 15!! Stabiliser on 12 Audio on boost our gain on 9 out of 10... Wow, no wonder he was having trouble, anyway Bob sorted it out and the detector was running as good as Bobs.

When we move i will be right on some good ground as soon as i walk out of my front door, the area has underground power so i should be able to set up a testing area near the house in the land next door.  There is so much BS in this detecting industry it is about time to do the tests, make the video's and rip away the veils of false advertising and lies that permeate the detecting industry.


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Re: The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 10:50:46 pm »
Hi Woody,

Is there anything in the pipeline for the SD units or are they at their limit?



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Re: The latest upgrades are now entering testing stages.
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 10:56:50 pm »
The new boards will fit into SD detectors but as the SD units do not use power supply synchronisation maximum benefit is only really available for big deep gold.

There are ways to remove the SD power supply noise by using chopper amplifiers but it defeats the purpose, the gp extreme and upwards make the best use of the new boards,