
Author Topic: modded GP3000 settings  (Read 27990 times)


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modded GP3000 settings
« on: April 26, 2017, 12:13:15 pm »
i am just about to head out on the first trip with a GP3000  with the full mods. Any tips on settings from people with one of these would be appreciated. i have a 14x11advantage mono.


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 06:50:37 pm »
The trick to getting the best performance is to start the detector with the frequency control full clockwise, this allows the internal electronics (PLL) oscillator to lock over all of the adjustments using the variable frequency. If you start the detector with the detector frequency control not set to maximum clockwise the detector could go out of locking for the internal oscillator and the detector will either make crazy chirp noises or make bwarp bwarp noises.
If it goes crazy just switch it off and set the frequency to full clockwise and start again.

The frequency control when turned clockwise sets the detector for very tiny gold, the anti clockwise is for larger deeper gold,  set the frequency in mind with the coil size that you will be using, do not go using a 25" coil in high frequency as you will lose depth on bigger gold.  Rule of thumb..... Small gold = small coil = high frequency.    Large coil = larger deeper gold = lower frequencies..     Set the gain to half way (roughly) and ground balance the detector, then move the coil like you are detecting and take notice of the ground noise.. If there is none then increase the gain and set it to the point that ground noise just starts to appear.  Always reground balance after adjusting gain of frequency.

A useful tip, lowering the frequency will reduce ground noise as the ground signal has longer to decay, the upside is that by doing this you can use much more gain to compensate and still have a huge advantage in noisey ground.

Pulse induction detectors have great difficulty detecting specimen type gold, try a very small coil with the high frequency to be able to detect quartz veins..   There is also an advantage in using DD coils and upping the gain for a better signal in relation to ground noise response.


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2017, 07:29:28 am »
Thank you. As usual detailed advice.


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2017, 04:58:59 am »
I have one coil that has been giving me fits. It is intermittent. I will try this trick and see if it runs quiet after I do. Thanks, Chip :o


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2017, 12:01:40 am »
G'day woody

 I've just received a fully modded gp3000. I have a question about the variable gain adjustment, if you take it to the max does that take past the original level of factory gain set on the Gp. Like if i was to compare it to the gpx series going from normal to sharp which i assume is using alot more gain. Is this the sort of gain you could expect with the variable gain cranked to max. The main coil i use is the 15" dd spiral.

Cheers Joeboy


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2017, 08:52:45 am »
G'day Woody and all,
                               Is this start up process the same for the 4500 ? I had mine modded earlier this year and have only had a couple chances to use it since . Mine seems sensitive to ground mineralization and hot rocks! Stella depth when rx gain 1 stabiliser 1 new gain full, if I could get to run nicer on the hot ground over here in WA I'd use this setting all the time! Keep up the good work Herb


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2017, 12:58:11 am »
The 4500 is more advanced than the gp series and cannot lock up its own PLL as does the gp series.

Another thing is that I should be getting notifications on post on the forum but I do not get notified, if you do not get a response in a day send me an email
detectormods at


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2017, 07:27:52 pm »
A bit off topic now but I thought I would report events since my last post. I have been out a couple of times now & have found pieces from .5 gram to 5 grams with the modded 3000 & 17x11 advantage. No real depth to talk about. A few issues with hot rocks but seem to be getting on top of it better now. I have had comments from Z operators that the 3000 is exceeding what they expected. All in all I am happy with how it is going but am still learning, trial & error & time spent detecting is the key. How much improvement is there for the 3000 since December 2916 Woody?


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2017, 08:49:57 pm »
It is good to hear that you are doing well with the mods, I am always working on mods, t the moment doing some experimental upgrades to the GPZ-7000 and see how it pans out. I have an article coming out in GGT in regards to detector technology. With the GP if it has variable frequency and variable gain it should be kicking goals for you. The latest is changing the components in the input stage to get lower losses and less noise.


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Re: modded GP3000 settings
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2017, 07:53:42 am »
Ok, thanks. Yes you put the variable gain & variable frequency in mine. I guess it would help if you knew who you were talking to!! Makes it a bit hard when nick names are used!! It will probably be up to the minister for finance as to when I  can get more done.
Probaly next thing will be a coil upgrade. The 17x11 nf advantage has copped a fair bit in its life, I am second owner,  & is being held together by sikaflex but still seems to be working ok.