
Author Topic: Google earth gold maps  (Read 24424 times)


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Google earth gold maps
« on: March 26, 2016, 09:38:01 am »
Gday all, I thought I'd ask the question about custom gold maps you have done or working on. Sorry if this has already been covered before, I'm New here.
I make my own custom maps using info off our local mines department ie: Derm online maps, topo & geo maps, google earth imagery, And the gold bible.  Having less and less area's to go prospecting up here in Nth Qld, and those place you can detect that have been worked over really well. This has forced me to get creative in the search for new areas and old less known area's that have seen very little attention of the modern day detectors. I can say with out a doubt this has helped my gold tally increase 10 fold. Recently I mapped an old area, using google earth image as my back drop and overlaying data ie: old claims/ leases, trend lines, fault lines, epm's, etc... I found using Google image gives me a lot more information than I would normally would have. Such as tracks that do not appear on standard maps.  rocky outcrop formations, very detailed creeks and gullies, quarts loads etc... It's really cool putting theses maps together if you got time. My last spot I mapped and took a trip too landed me with multible ounces on the first day, it was like the place had never seen the likes of any detector ever! Blew me away
If anyone else is doing something similar and would like to share your info or ideas, please chime in. Or if you any questions feel free to ask. I'm no expert with this,  just having a crack and paying dividends.
Good luck, Joeboy.


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Re: Google earth gold maps
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2016, 05:43:28 pm »
Hi Joeboy,

I also use maps in conjunction with Google Earth which allows many miles of research before leaving the house. I have so many pins and images marking areas of interest it takes Google Earth ages to boot up.


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Re: Google earth gold maps
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2016, 11:05:39 pm »
Hi debongos,

Good to hear mate, thats a good point you made with doing most of your research before you go, you hit the nail square on the head with that one! Basically fly over the area you want to go prospect. No second guessing where you are, and plot the best way in. I can't recommend this method enough to anyone who's planning a trip somewhere they haven't been before. Especially if your looking at those old workings in remote area's. I know from experience how easy it is to loose your way with tracks going every direction, even using GPS & Topo's.
Just put your Google earth image with all your marks on a memory stick, and get your local photo shop to print it out for you, just too easy and cheap too.
