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Technical / help for GPX4000
« Last post by Valdenor on September 08, 2024, 04:13:02 am »
General Discussion / Re: GPX 6000 VS Modded 5000
« Last post by WesHawkins on July 25, 2022, 02:24:06 pm »
   Be good to hear how your testing goes with this modification.  My 5000 just keeps purring along.
General Discussion / Re: GFX-7000 There is hope.
« Last post by woody on June 18, 2022, 05:23:45 pm »
A bit more on these GFX7000 detectors.
General Discussion / GFX-7000 There is hope.
« Last post by woody on June 17, 2022, 11:17:34 am »
The Chinese are pushing this GFX-7000 detector around the place, i’m going to say it as it is, the coil is crap, the bottom shaft is plastic tube and useless and it is as noisy as all hell. Upon inspection it is an attempt to clone a GPX-4500, some years ago the Chinese managed to get hold of the designs of the 4500 and other things by infiltrating the company by some sneaky means.

Now for the good news, apart from the Chinese screwing up the design, i worked on one of these clones and made it run perfectly, initial tests indicate that it works just the same as a 4500. looks like i will doing some tests out in the field.
Pushing the technical limits. / Getting every last scrap of Gold.
« Last post by woody on June 13, 2022, 09:53:26 am »
Is it possible to get every gold nugget that lay underneath one sweep from a metal detector coil?
The answer is definitely no. A large coil will do well in detecting large deep gold but it will be really struggling to pick up the small gold at moderate depth, same is for trying to detect large gold nuggets with a small coil. On top of the coil issue there are detector issues with transmit pulse length, repetition rates, sharpness of the ground balance circuitry, time delay on receive turn on, ground noise and decay rates. Then there are other factors on the technical design of coils and detector electronics. The single biggest issue is to be able to retain all target input signal without it being obscured by noise and thus lost. There are methods that the current detectors do not have in their designs, it is difficult to discuss all the ways to do this on a public forum as publishing yet to be patented discoveries is commercially unviable if one i trying to run a business in making detectors better.    This is our newest upgrade for SD GP GPX detectors, wait for the test video’s.
General Discussion / Re: WELCOME!
« Last post by woody on June 12, 2022, 01:40:28 pm »
I am glad that you are having success with the upgrades, Dave most likely did the upgrades to your detector as i have been buried in lab work doing a lot of experimental work in making the upgraded detectors much better than the standard commercial offerings, there is still much to learn.
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