General Category > New Detector accessories

New upgrades, to get small Gold like a SDC2300

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Soon to be available is an upgrade that will allow GP and GPX series detectors to detect small gold similar to the capabilities of the SDC2300.

When do you think it will be available, Woody? (Have a GPX 5000)

It is taking some time to get all the bugs out, maybe another month.

Will the user be able to 'Turn the mod off' if he suspects it is causing some issues? May be a dumb question, but! How long does it take to mod a 5000?

It is difficult to turn a mod off, it can be done but it would need fet or relay switching, both methods would create signal loss or noise generated by the relay contacts, switches would also cause noise in the sensitive input part of the circuit. One of the biggest problems that we have with detectors is the coil connectors, the tiny resistance of the contacts actually introduce noise into the circuit.  To mod a 5000 takes 1 week.  I am still working on some big improvements.  One word of advice to anyone with old detectors, do not sell them as they will be worth a fortune later this year.. more on that later.


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